Accueil L’oulipien de l’année Crochet à goutte d’eau
Rain Hole Hook

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Rock, thou hast this trim look. Glib. Posh.
Hast thou gaps ? None that will draw some line.
Hast thou some hole ? None that will draw your eyes.
Hast thou some edge ? None that will trim thee.
Just show your bust.
This line lads call Egis.
When dips miss, when gear cant help thee,
Find this cure. Your only shot. Your last shot.
Fall back only when hope went lost.
Take this rain hole hook.
Just this iron hook, thin like some dirk,
Like some fish hook, some rock fish hook.
Land your hook onto that beak
With much care.
Good, thou hast done well.
Hang from this butt down your hook that thin ring.
Take some ease.
This ring will hold your foot.
Then thou wilt, with some slow move, load your body mass onto this thin brim.
Very slow. Only jerk, your hook will lose grip from that tiny nick.
With time, your mass gets atop this hook.
Drib adds over drab : your hook gets deep into that rock, thus will hold more pull.
With more care than ever, soar.
Dont ever look down upon this base thou hast.
Blow, wind, blow.
Este Cabo, Noll Fair

Mots de 4 lettres.